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Protect Our Babies from Harmful Chemicals – Take Action and Get Involved!


By Jennifer Lo Prete, Co-author of Itsabelly’s Guide to Going Green with Baby

Have some time for a bit of online activism? May we make a few suggestions? We promise getting involved will be painless (well, expect the shock you may experience when you learn about toxic ingredients that are present in our everyday products!).

1.    Every parent, regardless the age of their children should frequent Environmental Working Group’s “For Parents” website. You will find loads of information on eliminating toxic chemicals that lurk around all of us. We love their downloadable, easy-to-use product buying guides that save time reading labels in the middle of the grocery store aisle.
2.    Sign the Kid-Safe Chemicals Act Declaration and pass along this informative video.
3.    Watch this informative video from EWG about their investigation of umbilical cord blood samples from 10 randomly-selected babies born in U.S. hospitals on the same day.
4.    Don’t forget to forward the information to your friends and family by clicking here!

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  • (503) 493-7390

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