Belly Buzz by itsaBelly

Welcome to the itsaBelly blog, "Belly Buzz"! We are thrilled to share the valuable information we provide to our clients with everyone here. Whether you're expecting, a new parent, or simply curious about pregnancy, birth, and postpartum topics, you're in the right place.

Since 2000, we've been dedicated to offering valuable insights and resources to support families during this special time in their lives. Now, we're on a mission to make our content even more inclusive and up-to-date. As we comb through each post, we're actively addressing any language or information that may not align with our values. Your support and patience are greatly appreciated on this journey.

Join us as we embark on this exciting endeavor, sharing insights, tips, and resources to empower and support parents. Let's dive into the world of parenthood together, creating a positive impact every step of the way. Thank you for being part of our community!

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Thank You, we'll be in touch soon.
Swaddled Newborn being held by two women
Pregnant person holding sonogram photos of pregnancy
Pregnant person being held by another person arms wrapped from behind around belly.

How to Baby-Proof Stairs: Essential Tips for a Safe Home

August 7, 2023
Welcoming a baby into your home is an exciting and joyous experience. As parents, one of your top priorities is…

How to Keep Newborns Cool in a Heatwave

July 26, 2023
Hey there! Melissa Wright here from ItsaBelly, and I’m excited to share some cool tips to keep your little one(s)…

The Inner Journey of Advent

December 10, 2018
The Christmas season is upon us, and regardless of your traditions, spiritual path or chosen holidays, it is inescapable. For…

Valentine’s Love

February 14, 2018
We celebrate Valentine’s Day this month, a time to say I love you to those we care about most. But how…

How To Have a Happy Marriage After Baby

February 10, 2018
I’d like to say “It’s simple really.” Do the dishes, do the laundry, buy coffee.  Could it really be that…

Self Care in the New Year

December 30, 2017
This is the time of year when we can’t help but think about “New Year’s resolutions”. Suggestions are everywhere; organize your…

The Minimalist Mamma Must Haves

July 8, 2017
New baby on the way? Maybe it is your second or third. No matter what number baby you are on…

A parent’s story of doula support

February 13, 2017
We sought out a doula for the birth of our 2nd child in 2012 because our delivery experience with our…