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Complimentary Class, Giveaway and More at Pottery Barn Kids this Saturday


Itsabelly Baby Planners is excited to present our expert tips on Preparing for Baby at Pottery Barn Kids, 1050 Bellevue Square in Bellevue, WA, on Saturday at 9:00 am.  We’ll share our Top Mommy Must-Haves and also explain what a Baby Planner is and how we can help expectant parents navigate the overwhelming world of baby.

Attend and receive a special offer from Pottery Barn Kids as well as a chance to win a gift basket full of delightful nursery must-haves, a copy of Itsabelly’s “Guide to Going Green with Baby” and a one-hour baby proofing consultation.

So, what are you waiting for? Sign up by calling (425) 451-2966 to register for this FREE class at Bell Square on Saturday, June 27th at 9:00 am. You must be present to win the fabulous give-away!

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  • itsabellypdx@gmail.com
  • (503) 493-7390

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