Want to Become a Baby Planner or Maternity Concierge? Itsabelly offers a free Baby Planner & Maternity/Baby Concierge 101 via audio (recorded version of our class). We go over insider tips on how to Become a Baby Planner, the options offered via Itsabelly Baby Planners and what type of baby planner (aka maternity & baby concierge) training is available to you. All of this valuable information will be shared through an expert baby planner’s perspective.
If you’ve already started your research on the baby planning industry and not sure about what it takes to be a truly successful baby planner, Itsabelly suggests listening to our free teleseminar before you decide to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on any one program or introductory materials.
We also suggest buying Itsabelly’s Baby Planner in a Box and the Guidebook which are both sold at a reasonable price to get your feet wet and discover if a baby planner or maternity concierge career is something that will actually work for you! More information on our materials can be seen in the eBook section of our blog.
Additionally, Itsabelly offers the following resources through our Baby Planner University to help get you started which we’ll go over during the free Baby Planner 101 Teleseminar recording:
- Baby Planner in a Box (a comprehensive and affordable start-up guide on how to launch your own business)
- Baby Guidebook (supplemental materials to use with your clients)
- Guide to Going Green with Baby & Training on How to Create a Non-toxic Environment for New Families
- One on One Consultation on How to Launch Your Business
- Information on How to Become a Baby Planner with the Itsabelly Team
- What is the International Baby Planner Association (IBPA)? How do I join and how can I benefit as a member?
For questions, please email your name, phone # and inquiry to: info@itsabelly.com or call and leave this information on our office line at #503-799-5719.