By Melissa Moog, Itsabelly Founder
In order to stay at home with baby many moms today are looking for ways to create a home based business which will allow them flexibility as mompreneurs. As if getting pregnant, giving birth to an 8 lb baby and leaving your corporate career to be a stay-at-home mom isn’t overwhelming enough. Many working women who have decided to make the switch to mompreneur after having their first baby transition from a busy career life to motherhood. As a mom who took that leap of faith and left my corporate career I wanted to share my top 10 tips on how to become a successful mompreneur.
As a woman who was very career oriented, it didn’t take me too long after Isabella was born to feel the need to keep my talents sharp and ambition alive. I think this also becomes a turning point for moms who decide they want to try a hand at owning their own business and fulfilling that need of flexibility in order to stay at home. This is when the fun truly begins as a mom tries to learn the art of juggling and the ultimate challenge of finding work life balance! As a mompreneur your daily duties will be comprised of changing dirty diapers intermingled with hosting business meetings and doing market research while your itty bitty sleeps. It’s a popular trend today where moms are becoming entrepreneurs and thinking of cool niches or product ideas while raising their little ones in hopes that maybe one day they’ll hit the big jackpot.
Personally, after 6 years of running two businesses I wanted to share some of my best mompreneur tips for moms contemplating a new career in entrepreneurship. I hope my words of wisdom will give you the inspiration to take that very important first step out of your comfort zone and make your business goals come true!
Here are my top 10 tips on how to become a successful mompreneur:
1. Make a list of your goals and keep them at the forefront of your mind to keep you focused
2. Allow for the creative process to happen – no idea is a bad idea, test it, try it, believe!
3. Create a business plan and share the idea with someone you trust to give you feedback
4. Keep organized – make a list of to do items to help you prioritize what needs to get done when
5. Realize having your own business will take hard work. You’ll put in more hours in your own business than a regular job at the office but it will be worth it.
6. Plan some “me” time into your day to keep you balanced and fresh. You’ll be a better mom, wife and person overall when you allow some time to re-fresh.
7. Believe in yourself, be confident, take real action and know it will happen.
8. Remain positive. Remember you’ll have ups and downs. There will be days where you ask yourself if you’re crazy, where people don’t get back to you or reject your idea but you must keep going.
9. Draw your boundaries. Make sure you set times for work, family and me time so that you try to achieve balance in all areas of your life as best as you can. Honestly, you’ll probably never achieve real balance but it’s a good idea to strive for a plan that will help you prioritize what’s most important to you.
10. Remember it takes a village and use your networking skills. Have a strong support team. If you have a partner, relatives, friends who offer their help take it! Women have a knack at networking and creating those special bonds with others that can help. You can’t do it alone.
Special Mention: Itsabelly’s Baby Planner in a Box is my easy to follow eBook helping you launch your baby related business from A-Z. I’ve already gone through the do’s and don’ts so you can learn from my experiences. Here’s more information and how to purchase it: Baby Planner in a Box.
If you have any business tips or comments you want to share please don’t hesitate to comment below!