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Itsabelly Visits San Francisco’s Biggest Baby Shower

Last week on April 25, 2013, we had the honor of traveling to San Francisco, CA and attended Big City Mom’s Biggest Baby Shower. It was the very first time the event was held in the Bay Area and it was a smashing success! Pregnant women, partners and friends flocked to the event to meet A-List baby and pregnancy focused brands to seek out must-have products.

We were so excited to accompany our pregnant girlfriends (Amy & Annie) and drool over the HUGE swag bags which accompanied them home. What made our visit extra special is shmoozing with our good friends Dr. Greene and Mrs. Greene of DrGreene.com, Lizzie Bermudez (media personality & founder of LizzieBTV.com) and Lisa Hamilton of TheBump.com. Now, these were just a few of our favorite people and baby related companies we bumped into during the shower. We had such a great time! You can check out our Itsabelly Facebook page for more photos. Make sure to mark your calendar for Big City Mom’s Bay Area shower event next year – a party you surely don’t want to miss if you have a baby on the way!

So happy to spend time with media personality Lizzie Bermudez from LizzieBTV.com.
So happy to spend time with media personality Lizzie Bermudez from LizzieBTVcom


Dr. Greene, Mrs. Greene & Melissa Moog at SF's Biggest Baby Shower
Dr Greene Mrs Greene Melissa Moog at SFs Biggest Baby Shower


We visited with Lisa from The Bump.
We visited with Lisa from The Bump


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